I have been working on collecting and compiling surveys of the Young Adult Friends in NYYM. 151 to be precise! THANK YOU to all who participated!!
Here is a list of other visits I have made...
to elder for a YAF-- I had the pleasure of supporting a YAF in his ministry
this Summer. It is a gift to me to see
such faithful work.
Summit MM for gathering of All Friends and NJ Families -- This fall, five
families with children ranging from 18 months to high school age, met for worship
sharing, a potluck and fellowship. We
had the worship sharing in the nursery, all we welcome to participate. The younger ones of us popped in and out. It was a great opportunity to meet other
families, and get to know each other a little better. We hope to do it again.
House Cultivating Ministries weekend This
was a wonderfully rich weekend, and there were several YAF in attendance.
MM where I led a program about the work I am doing, the survey I conducted,
and how to think differently about YAF and Families in our Meetings, Regions
and Yearly Meeting.
Partners RM—I was thrilled to do a program for Nine Partners RM focusing on
Knowing each other better, and building intergenerational community.
Randolph MM—I visited with Friends at their monthly Breakfast Forum and we
talked about the work I am doing and the interview project I am conducting.
Street MM (twice!)— Both times I was supporting the faithful work being
done at that meeting. 15th
Street has started an under 40 gathering once a month at a local eatery. The other time was an intergenerational
discussion on gifts and leadings. Both
were rich and well attended!
Would you like me to come to your Meeting, or Region? Would you like someone to support the work
that is already being done there? I am
eager to travel to do a program, support an existing program, or simply sit and
listen. Contact me at